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Granny’s Cabbage Stew

November 17, 2015

Granny’s Cabbage Stew


Potatoes baby reds, chunked

Carrots, peeled and sliced

Green Pepper, chunked

Onion, chunked

Polish Kielbasa, sliced or chunked

Tomatoes, chunked

Cabbage, chunked

Salt and pepper to taste

You may omit or add different veggies to taste.


Place potatoes in the bottom of your pot; cover with water.


Next layer carrots, then green peppers, then onion, then Kielbasa, then tomatoes and top with cabbage.   The potatoes will be the only veggie completely under water, the rest will steam cook.   Cover and cook over medium heat until cabbage is slightly tender, about half an hour or so.


Posted by Granny’s Favorites Cookbooks aka The Deedol Collection


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